


  • CHEN Yin-Ju

    (Born in 1977. Taiwan)

        Liquidation Maps, 2014

Each of the drawings that we can see here are astrological charts, snapshots of the configurations of the stars at the beginning of five very specific dates in recent Asian history: the massacres in East Timor in 1999, the Lieyu Massacre in 1987 (Taiwan), the Sook Ching Massacres in 1942 (Singapore), the Khmer Rouge genocide in 1975 (Cambodia), and the Gwangju Uprising in 1980 (South Korea).

By linking these tragic events to astrological dispositions,the artist poses the question of what animates history. Were these dramas predetermined and therefore inevitable? As the artist says, “There are forces exerted by those astrological configurations. Whether you want it or not. You can accept them or walk away.”

Chen Yin-Ju, Liquidation Maps, 2014, 5 charcoal and pencil drawings on paper (125×126 cm each), printed documents, study notes, HD videos in a loop (source: NASA), dimensions variable. Collection of Katy Hsiu Chih Chien. Courtesy of the Artist and Taipei Fine Arts Museum.


Chen Yin-Ju, drawing of Liquidation Maps (Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia), 2014, charcoal and pencil on paper, 125×126 cm. Collection of Katy Hsiu Chih Chien.


Astrologist: Amber Tang

Collection of Katy Hsiu Chih Chie
