 Mass, 2020
The work proposed by the two artists focuses on the notion of emptiness, matter, and what allows the world to “hold” together, with a video installation that oscillates between a lunar landscape and a film studio, and that straddles documentary and fiction. Architecture of Cosmopolitics, 2020
In early June 1972, diplomatic representatives of 133 countries?came together in Stockholm at the first United Nations?Conference on the Human Environment. Liquidation Maps, 2014
Each of the drawings that we can see here are astrological?charts, snapshots of the configurations of the stars at the?beginning of five very specific dates in recent Asian history:?the massacres in East Timor in 1999, the Lieyu Massacre in?1987 (Taiwan), the Sook Ching Massacres in 1942 (Singapore),?the Khmer Rouge genocide in 1975 (Cambodia), and the?Gwangju Uprising in 1980 (South Korea). A Different Gravity: Held by the River, 2020
In A Different Gravity: Held by the River, the artists explore how?we might learn to become guests of the rivers that traverse the?Taipei Basin. Although “Heavenly Dragon Kingdom” (HDK),?as Taiwanese people often call Taipei, has extracted itself from?the Tanshui, Keelung, and Hsintien Rivers, one of the most?ancient names for Taipei is Banka, a Ketagelan indigenous name?for a type of raft. Incarnation, 2016–2020
Launched in early 2016, this project covers more than 220?temples, cemeteries, public gardens, and amusement parks?featuring the statues of deities created by the Han people in?Taiwan. Fascinated by the way in which belief systems operate,?the artist photographed these sites intensively, and spent over?one year and a half for each section.


If we all live in several planets at the same time, then we feel in our bones their attraction and repulsion. No, it does not feel like the old astrology anymore; it is a strange form of geopolitics to which we should be attuned, all the same, to feel the planetary alignments.
