
作品圖片Ilze Black, Alexei Blinov and Shu Lea Cheang are TAKE2030, a three-person art collective based in London, England exploring the direct experience of new media society. They extol the futuristic nature of wireless networks, and promote the application of off-the-shelf and DIY technology to achieve a public freenetwork world.

“By year 2030 – Your mobile is locked, your network is blocked, your roaming is barred. By year 2030 –You own a porta-pack, you own the network, you are on the RUN.” This is the warning and the call to action that TAKE2030 proclaims. They imagine the world of 2030, in which many momentous changes have occurred. All the rules and values of history have been rewritten. People have shattered the long-term monopolistic constraints on knowledge and freedom of thought. The porta-pack is the crucial device that has broken the lock on liberty. The porta-pack is the creation of TAKE2030. It includes a modified wifi network system, a webcam, a signal-generation device and a GPS tracking unit. Through this wireless transmission device, people have gained the ability to interact and communicate regardless of geographical boundaries and without obstructions.

“Porta2030” was first unveiled in early 2006 at Broadway Market East London as a small-scale, open-air street performance. Community participants donned porta-packs and sent messages, including four selectable emotive expression icons, back and forth to one another on the street. The Taipei edition of “Porta2030” will embark on a completely new vision. A work camp will be set up inside the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, open for the public to take part in the production and practical utilization of porta-packs. Next, TAKE2030 will take to the streets of Taipei, encouraging people to join the campaign to lift restrictions on personal wireless networks, and achieve the goal of mutual interconnectivity. “Porta2030” is opposed to monopolistic controls of information that violate the spirit of networking. The opening of knowledge they advocate is like an adventurous journey in “Wifitopia.”

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