



Work Image
Green Bulldozer: The Rise of Your New Homeland, 1997
Betacam, 87'

In the span of one short month in 1997, Kangli Borough, a district of more than 3,000 people and Taipei's poorest community - was torn down, under the orders of newly elected Taipei City mayor Chen Shui-bian. Protesting teachers and students from National Taiwan University's Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, as well as community activists, formed the "Movement to Resist City Government Bulldozers," becoming Taipei's first movement for urban planning, and opening a new, alternative debate about the meaning of being an international city, urban renewal, illegal structures and parks This film fully documents the actions and thoughts of the activists and residents throughout this incident. Unlike most documentary films, it creates a vantage point on movement activities and the process of building removal with the use of large amounts of music and subjective perspectives, while also casting light on the carelessness of the official system.