吳曜宇/ Yao-Yu Wu



自由文字、影像工作者,藝術家,作品曾散見於報刊網路,嘗於澳洲墨爾本、雪梨等地以及臺北寶藏巖藝術村展出其作品。目前旅居瑞典斯德哥爾摩,進行個人《We Taipei Ren》計劃,採訪當地非以營利為目的藝術文化,包括像是藝術替代空間、獨立出版等獨立藝術工作者,成果記錄發佈在《We Taipei Ren》網路平台上。http://wetaipeiren.blogspot.tw/

Yao-Yu Wu, a freelance writer and artist based in Stockholm, Sweden currently, had spent most his time living in Taipei, Melbourne, Sydney, London and Paris. His works are mainly about everyday lives and social issues, at the moment, he is doing his own project ¨We Taipei Ren¨, aim at introducing independent/non-for-profit art culture to the public.http://wetaipeiren.blogspot.tw/