吳虹霏/ Hung-Fei Wu




獨立策展人,現居台北。英國Essex大學 MA Gallery Studies with Critical Curating畢。曾任《藝術家》編輯,《台北藝術論壇》及《MOT/TIMES》特約編輯。策展包括:「Neo-Pangaea」(英國/2010)、「你好-臺灣當代首飾創作聯展」(台北/2013)與「Red Pill」(台北/2014)。

Hung-Fei Wu, An independent curator based in Taipei. Graduated from MA Gallery Studies with Critical Curating, Essex University. Former editor of Artist Magazine and contract writer of Taipei Art Forum and MOT/TIMES. Curator of Neo-Pangaea (UK/2010), NiHao-Taiwan Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition (Taipei/2013) and Red Pill (Taipei/2014).