陳瑋璞/ Athena Chen




台北。倫敦。東京。四海為家。 對於找尋當代生活和人文風景之中的美好努力堅持不懈。嘗試觀察所有事物,不論任何形式 - 音樂、藝術、設計、文學 - 的枝微末節,並處處驚艷於人類的創造力。對於未知的大多數還抱著許多想像和無限憧憬,並期待能將自身的體悟與你分享。碎碎念和小小心得散見於女性專題網站萬人迷(womany.net)和時裝雜誌美麗佳人網站(Marie Claire)等。同時也兼任擔任獨立藝術報紙- 花開 HAGAI 編輯和設計。

A vagabond. One of those who started a relentless pursuit of the essence of beauty - wherever it may reside - and never stopped. Fascinated by people and how we make sense of the world- music, literature, design, arts - call it what you want. Still has the hope of making some meaning out of it all, and maybe giving it to you. Friendly banter can be seen on several websites (womany.net, marieclaire.com.tw, thegroundmag.com), and is also editor/designer of indie newspaper HAGAI (facebook.com/hagaihuakai).